Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Is Exercise the Best Solution to Slow Further Aging, to Stay Fit, Healthy and Sexy?

When a person reaches middle age, they sometimes look back at the wasted years. Sometimes a person may wonder how they obtained wrinkles, illnesses, crowfeet, cellulite and so on. As they continue to look back, they may wonder why they didn’t take care of self.

How body fat causes aging:
As we start to age normal body fat increases up to 30%. The fat will spread out over the body, which usually the stomach gets the highest volume of fat. The skin has less fat, which cause the skin to thin out. As the skin thins it causes wrinkles to occur. Unnatural wrinkles occur when a person smokes or else exposes the flesh excessively to the sun throughout their life. As the skin thins, the functions and the body form starts to disintegrate and aging continues to beg to be excused.

Upon the declining phase internal organ reactions or functions, begin to decline as well. After a person turns 30, the body starts to send many other regrets. Declination continues downhill from there on out. The body’s functional reserves helps the healthy aging souls carry on, since particular organs can pull the weight.

Being overweight is bad on our health. If the person is overweight there are many things that can happen to them. Obesity is responsible for heart attacks. Obesity is behind sleep apnea, strokes, diabetes and so on.

As the person ages throughout his or her life the person may need to take medications, vitamins, supplements, etc which due to the changes in the body the person may experience effects from illness, environment and toxins in the remedies and environment. This is because the immune system has weakened.
As we grow older, the kidneys weaken as well. For this reason the body is incapable of dismissing poisons that come from environmental elements. The herbal tea works to detoxify your system while trimming the poisons and unhealthy elements that you acquire. The tea is great for cleaning out the entire system. As we grow older, our body is unable to remove the medicines or drugs taking.

The answers are in front of you, so instead of regretting your past start taking steps to slow further aging now.

One of the best solutions is exercise. Studies have shown that exercise is the number one reason that people survive many diseases and aging.

We all have the power to help ourselves. We can take action by eating right. We can improve health by losing weight and keep it off. So we will look and feel better. And there is no better time than right now!

In This Site you will find dietary education, great weight loss system and guides, jam-packed with tips and methods to finally shed those excess pounds!

Friday, June 19, 2009

I Am Not Overweight. Do I Need to Exercise? Find Out 3 Things About Your Body

You are not overweight and you feel perfectly fine. So do you need to exercise?

There are three main things that your body requires: use of oxygen, detoxication, and new energy flow. Should one of these functions slow down, a person tends to slow down as well. Should one of them stop, we stop as well. If your aim is to have a good health, ideal weight and coordination, you should exercise regularly to maintain all the three body functions in constant work. Of course, regular exercises give more benefit if you have a good diet and even a good relationship between your vital energy and emotional body.

Try not to think of your exercise as burning fat and calories. Think of your workout as the means to achieve maximum oxygenation, detoxication of your body and the maximum energy flow. Bear in mind your own satisfaction while exercising – it intensifies the workout and its results.

Physical activity, however, may not suffice for everyone willing to have a complete detoxicating way of life. Sauna deep respiration, meditation, short or long strolls improve oxygenation and detoxication, especially if you combine it with a natural food diet. For some people it works better than working out for hours in the gym which might be even very packed and small. And do not trust diets full of protein and shakes solely. Such diets are too concentrated on one type of non-viable food that creates mucus in the body.

So what to do to make your efforts pay off?
Well, first of all, do not jump straight into any exercise, but listen to your body asking these questions:

1. Is my breathing deep and calm? Do I feel myself in my body today? What’s the air that I feel and breathe? Trying to give harmony to my solutions, relations and work/life quality, should I take a stroll or breathe deeply to fill my body with oxygen?

2. What energy do I have today? What moves do it require today? Do I need a strong and hard work out, an easy jogging or intensive dancing? Why is my energy frozen? Is this because of the lack of activity, too much work in the office or does it has to do constipation? Did I spend too much time in the non ventilated room, do I need fresh air?

3. How does my lymphatic system feel? Are the ganglions in my underarms and neck stiff and bigger? Do I feel 0 energy at all and barely move my feet?

If you said “yes” to any of these questions, your detoxication system might be overloaded and requires a new type of exercise, e.g. deep perspiration, massage therapy, intestine detoxication, even body peeling. Yes, of course, you can and should jog or work out in the gym, if your body requires that, but keep in mind all the other ways keeping balance in your body.

Whether it is yoga, fitness, boxing or dancing that you like, try to work out in the fresh air or at least near the window. Listen to your body and avoid routine systematic exercises. If you keep to these tips, you might gain more benefit from 10 minutes of dancing near the open window at home rather than two hours workout in the gym. Proper oxygenation, detoxication and energy flow is as much important and doing any exercise: these processes keep body young, cheer you up and bring joy!

Think these tips were good? Would you like to know more? Check out this site for more tips that are even better!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Mom, Dad, Please Help Me to Lose Weight-I Want be Beautiful!

One would say „there are no ugly children“but this is in fact half the truth. The concept of “beautiful” can be perceived subjectively: beauty is in the eye of the beholder who is undergoing the emotional perception of beauty. Beauty can be described objectively as well: there can be a symmetric face, correct face and figure lines and proportions, bright colorful eyes, straight nose etc.
A young person’s body starts to get mature in adolescence years, as well as his/her “normal” height. The latter one is an empirical beauty description, based on the observation. This is how beautiful or ugly people get selected for the cinema, theater and any other show biz sphere.

The emotional sense of “beautiful” is very predominant talking about little children. They are natural, active, open, honest, which brings joy to adults who observe the kids. However, there are other “judges”: they become frequent right after the kindergarten when the child starts taking school or play in the courtyard. Very frequently the child hears out different opinions influenced by affection, competition, jealousy. These little “estimators” might get very aggressive and harsh saying mean things:

Fat ass!
You look like a moron!
Horse feet!!

Children who have more weight are the most frequent objects of jeers and are called laggards and elephants.

Children who get taunted soon realize there exist two sides; parents who do not tell the entire truth and the kids who tell the harsh truth, because they are not interested in consoling the child who, by the way, sees himself/herself in the mirror…

And the question that faces parents is: how to deal with their child’s appearance? No, not the one which is “always nice”, but the one which is seen by the child and other children. The child might ask: am I beautiful? Is my body nice? Why am I fat?

Most likely parents would:

1. Lie. If a child has imperfections parents often stress that appearance is not the most important thing or simply say he/she is beautiful. This is pretty much a naïve move because shortly the child might notice the difference between parents’ words and the reflections in the mirror.

2. Lie and underestimate their child’s appearance if he/she is beautiful simply not saying this so that he/she would not become too cocky.

3. Dodge themselves out of the straight answer and ask pretending to be a psychologist: what do you think yourself? Or simply “ask the father”, “all children are different”, “all children are beautiful”. This time a child might even get angry because children do not like when parents do not answer directly to their questions.

4. Tell the truth hoping the child would understand and trust you later on. However, we are talking about children who are sensitive creatures; therefore one has to be prepared for his/her emotional reactions: children might cry, hate you for giving birth to an ugly kid and so on.

So, is there are any right way to answer? Psychologists advise to talk with the child about the beauty itself and carefully help their child to understand his beauty and solve appearance problems.

If a child has overweight, parents should prepare a special diet or change eating habit. You can get a list from family doctor or you can go online to get information on the basic four food groups. Urge a child to take sports. Exercising will increase your child health. A regular exercise program is good for all ages and helps relieve stress at the early ages as well. A person who learns and enjoys exercising on a daily basis will keep during it, as they grow older as well.

So, help your child to lose weight and keep it off, be healthy and happy. And then she/he will stop asking “Why I am fat?”

Would you like to know more? Check out this site and join the millions of people who have discovered amazing results.